Total Seriola 1510 Heat Transfer Oil

Applications Of Total Seriola 1510

  • Heating of domestic and industrial premises.
  • Production of steam and hot water.
  • Air conditioning.
  • Temperature control for storage bins.
  • Heating by heat exchange.
  • All types of systems (piping, pumps, e.t.c).
  • Heating of heat treatment baths, autoclaves, reaction vessels, furnaces, dies.
  • tunnel driers, injection molding machines, e.t.c.
  • Manufacturing processes (cement works, paper mills, timber industry, etc.

Advantage Of Seriola 1510

SERIOLA 1510 is formulated with selected base stocks which own the following properties:

  • good thermal stability
  • high flash point
  • high viscosity index.





Product Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet

